In terms of communications, Rosental Mitte is active via a number of channels. Besides its newsletter and website, Rosental Mitte now also has a profile on Linkedin. Interesting updates about the site and its development are frequently posted there.

We also communicate via Linkedin.

The website has been expanded, with a recently published company directory and overall plan of the buildings, which together offer a good overview of the businesses located on the site. All premises available for rent – whether offices, laboratories or storage facilities – are now advertised in the Rent section. Factsheets containing key information are available as PDFs for every rental property. As such, prospective tenants can get a quick impression of the properties available and request a viewing if they are interested.

Rosental Mitte offers public tours of the site above ground. The below-ground passages and excavations branching off them can be explored on the popular Underground Tour. These tours are free of charge, conducted in German, and take place around lunchtime or after working hours. The dates are posted in advance at, under Schedule. Booking is required due to the restricted number of spaces.