Several activities related to Rosental Mitte took place in January 2020. After a long planning phase, the canton of Basel-Stadt presented the urban development plan. A media briefing took place on the site itself and a public consultation at Sandgruben school in the evening.

To kick off this public event, Barbara Rentsch, Head of Portfolio Management at Immobilien Basel-Stadt, and cantonal architect Beat Aeberhard presented the urban development plan for Rosental Mitte and explained the next development steps.

A small group discussion followed, during which the objectives were discussed in more detail. The opening of the site was welcomed. The key issues discussed included a sustainable, environmentally responsible approach, a well-designed mobility concept, a functional mix of affordable residential and commercial space, sensible future use for a lively neighbourhood, and sufficient green and open spaces.

You can read and download the complete minutes (only in german) of the consultation on the website of Kleinbasel district office. Interested parties had the opportunity to sign up for a tour of the site, which is not yet open, in advance of the consultation and thus gain an insight into what Rosental Mitte will offer the local population in future.

There was a great deal of interest in the development of Rosental Mitte. All the events were well attended with every available space taken at each event. We would like to thank everyone who attended for taking the time to get involved, and for the valuable ideas shared during the event and as written feedback on the public consultation.

All your comments and questions have been recorded and will be answered in a report to be issued in the coming months. However, the current COVID-19 pandemic may cause a delay.